1968 Oldsmobile Toronado Custom by: Johnny Lightning


  • First Produced: 1969, 1995
  • Exterior: purple, white, black
  • Interior: red, cream
  • Manufacturer: Topper, Playing Mantis
  • Features: opening hood, opening doors
  • Scale: 1:58
  • Produced in: USA, China
  • Collector Number/Name: #T110, Custom Toronado
  • Original Price 1969: $.99, 1995: $1.99
  • Value 1997: loose, fine: $45.00, mint in package: commemorative $3.00
  • EXAMPLES FOR SALE: Mint-in-Package examples of 1995 commemorative, in black, are available for $3.00 each plus shipping. Go to order form.


Comparing the original Johnnny Lightning cars by Topper to the Commemorative editions produced by Playing Mantis is always interesting. The Custom Toronado is most like the 1968 Toronado, although the front anticipates the 1970 nose. Is it possible that Oldsmobile designers were influenced by a toy car? The major difference between the original and commemorative versions are that the original has opening doors and one-piece red-stripe tires with chromed mag wheels. The reproduction is very well done but without the red-stripes and opening doors. Both have opening hoods with detail of the 455 cu. V8. The Toronado is rare in any scale and the commemoratives may become as scarce as the originals some day.