1996 Alfa Romeo 155 by Matchbox



  • First Produced: 1997
  • Exterior: red
  • Interior: black
  • Manufacturer: Tyco
  • Features: black spoiler
  • Scale: 1:60
  • Produced in: China
  • Collector Number/Name: 3-G, Alfa Romeo 155
  • Original Price 1997: $1.00
  • Value 1997 - mint: $1.00



The Alfa Romeo 155 joins the Zagato SZ and Alfa Carabo as the third example of this historic marque to become a Matchbox. The 155 is in European Touring Car configuration with a white #8 and black spoiler inscribed 'Alfa Romeo'. This Alfa has a single racing bucket and is obviously not for street use.


First Produced: 1964
Colors: blue
Manufacturer: Impy - Lone Star
Features: opening hood with
detailed engine, opening doors
and trunk, front wheels turn,
'gem' headlights
Scale: 1:73
Produced in: England
Collector Number/Name: Imperial
Original Price 1964: $.49
Value 1997 - loose, mint: $30.00