1990 Alfa Romeo Zagato SZ by Matchbox



  • First Produced: 1991
  • Exterior: red
  • Interior: tan
  • Manufacturer: Tyco
  • Features: one w/black top, one w/Alfa Romeo script
  • Scale: 1:56
  • Produced in: China
  • Collector Number/Name: 15-M, Alfa Romeo SZ
  • Original Price 1992: $1.00
  • Value 1997 - mint: $2.00 (black top) $3.00 Alfa Romeo script



The Alfa Romeo Zagato SZ is only the 2nd Alfa Romeo ever produced as part of the Matchbox line, the Alfa Carabo was offered in 1971. This neglect of Alfa is further compounded by what was very limited production of this car in the Matchbox line, offered only in 1991. It came in red with a black top in regular packaging and as one of a large multi-pack in red with 'Alfa Romeo' in white letters on the side. While both versions may be difficult to find, this second version will likely be the rarer of the two.


First Produced: 1964
Colors: blue
Manufacturer: Impy - Lone Star
Features: opening hood with
detailed engine, opening doors
and trunk, front wheels turn,
'gem' headlights
Scale: 1:73
Produced in: England
Collector Number/Name: Imperial
Original Price 1964: $.49
Value 1997 - loose, mint: $30.00