1964 Ferrari Berlinetta by Matchbox



  • First Produced: 1965
  • Exterior: red or green
  • Interior: ivory
  • Manufacturer: Lesney
  • Features: spoked or super fast wheels
  • Scale: 1:60
  • Produced in: Britain
  • Collector Number/Name: 75Ba,b and 75C, Ferrari Berlinetta
  • Original Price 1965: $.59
  • Value 1997: loose mint: 75B-$40.00, 75C-$20.00


The Ferrari Berlinetta by Matchbox is one of the true favorites amoung diecast collectors. Produced from 1965 to 1970, it came in red or green with chrome, spoked and later, super fast wheels. This Ferrari began a Matchbox tradition of having #75 in the series as a Ferrari, followed by the Testarossa and F50. It is highly collectible, especially the red version with spoked wheels.


First Produced: 1964
Colors: blue
Manufacturer: Impy - Lone Star
Features: opening hood with
detailed engine, opening doors
and trunk, front wheels turn,
'gem' headlights
Scale: 1:73
Produced in: England
Collector Number/Name: Imperial
Original Price 1964: $.49
Value 1997 - loose, mint: $30.00