1969 Dodge Charger "General Lee": by Ertl


  • First Produced: 1970, 1996
  • Exterior: white
  • Interior: red/grey
  • Manufacturer: Matchbox
  • Features: na
  • Scale: 1:64, 1:58
  • Produced in: Britain, Thailand
  • Collector Number/Name: #41-D Ford GT, 'Premier Edition' Ford Mustang
  • Original Price 1970: $1, 1996 $4
  • Value 1997: Ford GT $15, Mustang $5


Here is a comparison of Ford's 1960's GT40 and 1990's Mustang. The GT40 is the superfast model from 1970 and the Mustang is the 'Premier Edition' example offered in 1996. The backdrop is from the Matchbox Show Stoppers series.