1996 Alfa Romeo 155 by RealToy



  • First Produced: 1996
  • Exterior: red
  • Interior: white/red
  • Manufacturer: RealToy
  • Features: black spoiler, red roll cage and bucket
  • Scale: 1:60
  • Produced in: China
  • Collector Number/Name: na, Alfa Romeo 155
  • Original Price 1997: $5.00 (came in set)
  • Value 1997 - mint: $1.00



RealToy is a newcomer to small-scale diecast. All cars are sold in theme sets. The 155 is in European Touring Car configuration with a black spoiler and faux racing sponsors, done very professionally. This Alfa has a single racing bucket, molded seperatly from the rest of the interior. Unlike the Matchbox version, an authentic roll cage is included. Overall the quality of this car is very high with good detail.


First Produced: 1964
Colors: blue
Manufacturer: Impy - Lone Star
Features: opening hood with
detailed engine, opening doors
and trunk, front wheels turn,
'gem' headlights
Scale: 1:73
Produced in: England
Collector Number/Name: Imperial
Original Price 1964: $.49
Value 1997 - loose, mint: $30.00