Found in the Letterbox
The following are e-mail responses to 'Tales
of Toy Cars'. Your letters are welcome and may be submitted via e-mail
I was starting to worry that you were ill or decided not to do any more issues of Tales of Toy Cars. As usual, enjoyed the most recent issue. Is the Impy Vauxhall Firenze part of your collection? I read a great article about Lonestar in a British magazine called Model Collector (or something similar). Interestingly, the writer observed that the Lonestar Firenze was offered in both left and right hand drive, and noticed that some models had the name "Vauxhall" removed from the base. I assume the reason was to market the model in Canada. I read in a book that the Firenze was sold in Canada circa 1971 as a Pontiac.
The Motor Max models are a great alternative to Matchbox now that they
make such awful (in my opinion) fantasy models. I can't understand why Mattel
doesn't reserve Hot Wheels for the fantasy/custom car models, and Matchbox
for realistic models. The crossover is illogical to me. Matchbox was doing
a great job a couple of years ago when it modeled the mail truck, VW Transporter,
etc. I was hoping that trend would continue.
Here's an online copy of the 1979 Zylmex catalog depicting the Country Squire:
A few years ago, a collector in Sweden was selling his 1/64 collection, and the Country Squire was one of the cars on his list. It was mint, and only $5, but at the time was not collecting.
Thanks for sharing all your hard work with your fellow collectors!"
James Rice
Editor's Reply: With family and work, it may takes a bit longer some
months. Thanks for worrying. I wish the Firenza was mine but it's not. I've
never seen a real one of these. It sounds like we agree on the Motor Max/Matchbox
situation. Thanks for the excellent Zylmex link. A sample is shown here.
Sinisa Pismestrovic, Austria
Editors' Reply: Most of the toy cars are fastened by rivets and cannot
be opened without drilling out the rivets. Once the head of the rivet is
drilled off, the body and chassis will seperate and all the pieces come
out. After cleaning the toy cars and repainting, you can re-assemble and
use glue to hold in place of the rivets. This is how most other collectors
restore toy cars like yours. I hope this helps.