Found in the Letterbox
The following are e-mail responses to 'Tales
of Toy Cars' and The Breithaupt Miniature Motorcar
Museum. Your letters are welcome and may be submitted via the 'Guest Book'.
The reason for this mail, is that I have been searching for some of the Playart cars for some time and not having any luck. I am not looking for collector quality cars so I figured it would be simple, (as) most dealers don't pay attention to cars that are not Matchbox or Hot Wheels. I was wondering if you knew of any dealers that sell poor condition Playart cars?
Thanks for your time. ...still playing with cars,"
Marty Milligan
Editor's response: Marty is primarily interested in using Playart bodies
to make hi-bred slot-cars. If you can help him, let me know via the 'Guest Book' , and I will get you in touch.
Chris Westcott
Editor's response: With the January 1999 issue, I am adding a classified section for selling, trading or seeking
toy cars. A 25 word ad would cost $10 for two months with $5 for each additional
25 words up to 100 and $2 for every 25 words over 100. One free image could
be loaded with each ad with $2 for each additional image (provided as a
.jpg or .gif). Direct links from the ads to other sites or e-mail addresses
would be provided free. Payment would be by VISA, Mastercard or check. The
site is presently receiving over 3,800 visitors per month (115,000 hits)
and is linked to many sites of common interest. Please let me know if the
classified ads are of value to you.
Editor's note: Ross, thank you, you are right. The Playart Porsche you refer to is a 914 and is designated as such on the base. I was confusing it with the Siku Porsche, #V312. I also have this one (shown left) which is a 914-6, as noted on the base. Either way, Porsche 914 or 914-6 models are rare in 1:64 scale form. These are the only two I have.