1972 Chevrolet Cerv II by Yatming


  • First Produced: unk.
  • Exterior: orange
  • Interior: white
  • Manufacturer: Yatming
  • Features:
  • Scale: 1:66
  • Produced in: Hong Kong
  • Collector Number/Name: #1003 Chevrolet
  • Original Price unk.
  • Value 1998: loose, mint: $4.00



Is this one of the 'missing link' cars, connecting Yatming to Playart? The model is labeled as a 'Chevrolet', #1003 with 'Yatming' and "made in Hong Kong" on the black plastic base. The number matches a Playart #1003, labeled as a 'Chevrolet' as well. Is it a pirated copy made by Yatming did they buy Playart tooling? The scale is curious. At 1:66 scale, it would be small for a Playart, who worked in 1:60 scale more often. The wheels and steering wheel of a seperate color are also possible Playart connections. Can anyone help solve this mystery?