1963 Volkswagen 1200 by: Siku



  • First Produced: 1964
  • Exterior: lt blue
  • Interior: cream
  • Manufacturer: Siku
  • Features: detailed engine, gem headlights
  • Scale: 1:60
  • Produced in: Germany
  • Collector Number/Name: 230, VW 1200
  • Original Price 1964: na
  • Value 1997: loose, mint: $40.00
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Siku toy vehicles are German miniatures that feature excellent detail and fine craftsmanship. The first diecast, small-scale cars were produced in 1963. Number 230 in the series is a 1963 Volkswagen 1200. This is one of the earliest diecast Siku models and represents a unique VW of this scale as it is the only one with engine detail. This car represents the early 'regular-wheel' Siku diecast. The engine compartment opens and gem-like headlights make this a true delight for the collector.










First Produced: 1964
Colors: blue
Manufacturer: Impy - Lone Star
Features: opening hood with
detailed engine, opening doors
and trunk, front wheels turn,
'gem' headlights
Scale: 1:73
Produced in: England
Collector Number/Name: Imperial
Original Price 1964: $.49
Value 1997 - loose, mint: $30.00